This application creates resumes and cover letters in the PDF file format.
Information is input through various forms or from Facebook and LinkedIn.
Files can be saved internally on your iOS device or in iCloud Drive (iOS 8 and later). With iCloud Drive you can manage your files across your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Windows PC.
If your iPhone or iPad did not get upgraded to iCloud drive during the iOS 8 upgrading process, you must do the upgrade first. Launch the Settings app. Select iCloud. Select iCloud Drive. Turn On the option for iCloud Drive.
To use iCloud Drive for the app, tap iCloud. Then select Turn On iCloud. Local files that do not exist in iCloud will be uploaded. To turn off iCloud, tap iCloud and select Turn Off iCloud. Files will now only be saved on your iPhone, iPad and the iCloud files will not be edited.
Sometimes the app gets stuck in iCloud and can be restored by turning off and on iCloud Drive in the Settings app. You may also have to restart your device.
To start creating a new resume, tap + at the top right. Then select Create New Basic Resume or Create New Extended Resume. A basic resume is limited to four basic headings.
To import a resume, tap Import and select Facebook or LinkedIn. You may then log into your account and approve. Not all data can be imported via the Internet.
The files are shown with names and dates or as PDF thumbnails. Selection of viewing mode is made with the buttons at the top. The size of the thumbnails can be altered by dragging a slider.
If you want to delete a file, tap Edit, select the file, delete, and tap Done.
When a new file is created, select it and you will be taken to a menu that displays the file name and content titles.
To rename a file, change the file name in the bar at the top. To copy the file, tap Copy and OK.
To make other settings, select Settings. Under the settings menu you can change date format, address format, use extended fields for personal info and show abbreviations when personal information is presented.
For a different order on the headings, tap Edit. You then drag the desired heading to the right location. To change the names of the headings, type the new name in the field for each heading. If you want to delete a title, tap the red circle to the left. When you are finished, tap Done.
When you want to enter their data, select the desired title and fill in the forms. A few of the titles use a submenu, where you first have to create their entries. By tapping Edit, you can rearrange and delete.
For Work Experience, Education and Other Experience, a start and end date can be entered. The complete date is entered even if only part of the date is to be shown.
If the year is 2015, the date format is year only and the same year is for both start date and end date, only 2015 will be shown. If only start date is entered, “2015 – Present“ will be shown. The word “Present” can be changed in the abbreviations settings. If only end date is entered, “– 2015” will be shown. Once you have made your entries, tap Preview. A complete document that looks like the finished PDF file is then displayed on the screen.
The final result is presented by different themes. To choose another theme, tap Theme and select theme (1-20). Themes can also be selected by dragging the screen sideways or by using the screen arrows.
By tapping Open, you can use the completed file in the various applications you have installed that support the file format (PDF).
The displayed file can be sent by email (with or without letters), or be printed out. Tap Export and choose options.
The app also includes a complete web browser. With it you can upload and download files and save them locally or in the iCloud. The iPad version also has features to simplify web form filling.
To start the web browser tap Web in the Documents menu. A start page is shown which contains links to different job sites and sites for file conversion (PDF to word etc.).
To make bookmarks for web addresses tap the Action button and then select Add Bookmark. Name, Web and Location can be edited. Tap Save to save in the bookmark database. To select a bookmark, tap the Bookmark button and select a bookmark for a web site. The bookmarks can be edited by tapping Edit.
The Action button can also save page files and print web pages.
The Files button shows all usable files on your iPhone, iPad or iCloud Drive. Select Edit, Browse to delete files and make selections from the iCloud browser. When the files are selected the content is shown in a viewer, from which they can be opened or sent by email.
The Settings button shows a settings menu where the browser´s cache, cookies can be cleared. The iPad version also contains settings for the web form filler feature.
When a browse button for file upload is pressed on a web page a menu with all uploadable files is shown. You then select a file and send the form. Prior to iOS 9, you could not upload files in iOS. A special technique was being used in this app. In iOS 9 you can upload all your files from iCloud Drive. To use the new type select “IOS 9 type Upload” in Settings.
To avoid typing the same information many times, the iPad version of the browser has a form filling feature. When you fill in a form the Form Filler menu makes a suggestion of words and sentences. These suggestions come from your resume data files, a custom database and the Google search engine.
The database stores words and sentences from previously submitted forms. To make your own database select the Database field in Form Filler and tap +. Then select New Category and tap Edit. Now rename the category and fill in words and sentences. Tap Done to save.
Sometimes the web browser gets stuck and you may have to restart the application. Close your app and hit the home button twice to bring up the multi-tasking view. Swipe-up the screenshot of the app to exit.
Printing is done via the Airprint standard, via wifi to custom printers. There is also a possibility to install a software application on your computer to get Airprint.
If you want to import or export files from your application, you can also use the file sharing feature in iTunes. Choose your iPhone or iPad under devices, choose Apps and your application. Then use Add or Save to. When a file has been transferred to your iOS device you may have to restart the application. Close your app and hit the home button twice to bring up the multi-tasking view. Swipe-up the screenshot of the app to exit. If you want to edit a resume or letter in PDF format, you can convert the file to Word format (doc, docx). At the bottom of the start page of the web browser, there are sites for file conversion listed. Follow the instructions, upload a PDF-file and save the result (.doc, .docx). Some sites demand the old type of upload which has automatic detection of returned files.
Text can also be copied from the PDF file of a resume or letter and pasted into MS Word by selecting Keep source formatting.
To make more space between heading sections (good for some page breaks), use the comments fields and tap return to create blank rows and end with a blank space.
Create a cover letterTo create a new letter, tap + at the top right. Then select Create New Letter.
If you want to delete a file, tap Edit, select the file to delete and tap Done.
When a new file has been created, you select it and see the menu Letter Content.
If you want to rename the file, change the file name in the bar at the top. To copy the file, tap Copy and OK.
You will then fill in the information about the sender, recipient and letter content.
Under Letter Content you enter the letter's body and the optional subject, location and date info. The sender info is automatically filled in with the last edited personal details in your resume.
When a letter has been written Preview is tapped and the final letter is shown.
The final result is presented by different themes. To view another theme, tap Theme and select theme (1-5). Themes can also be selected by dragging the screen sideways or by using the screen arrows.
By tapping Open, you can use the completed file in the various applications you have installed that support the file format (PDF).
The displayed file can be sent via email as a file, text message (with or without resume) or be printed out. Tap Export and choose options.